Hand Forest

Hand Forest

30 x 60 x 60 cm.
Mar. - May 2010

This piece, composed of 10 hands and roughly 250 fingers is a reflection on hands, and all the power and meaning they have: hands are one of the most used parts of the human body, and they also hold a lot of meanings and have been present in art representations since prehistory, not to talk about body language, all the things we express through gesticulation, or the deaf-mute language and it's variations.

Using alginate, a powder made from japanesse seaweed, which can create the most exact casts, I casted some family and friends hands and fingers, in order to create a piece completely made of hands and fingers. Each one was asked to make a random gesture, or the one they'd like the most, this reflects different meanings and expresions, It's possible to recognize how do they use their hands, how old are they, and even part of their personalities or how the felt when they were having their hands casted.

Alginate casting is a really fast process, and the resulting pieces is really accurate, even registering minor details as skin texture or fingerprints. However it is expensive when doing big pieces and it has it's limitations, using it to cast something as a face or a head can be difficult, and the expression will always be similar to the ones people have underwater

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